In here if you like CARS...........

Actually you're right, that is bronze. I meant gold like dis.


Or this.

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You going to put the WRX in the same class as the supra?


Not putting it in the same class, juat saying..if im gonna have any kind of import its gonna be a supra lol there are a few other that, when done right, can be cool too but supra is where its at
Jacob is on that good shit yo. Both are awesome cars but if I had to choose which one to get for free, hello supra.
Because that's what people in stanced wrx's do....

That's like saying all supras race down the highway, jumping train tracks in front of freight trains; endangering the lives of civilians. Then the owners hand over their keys to criminals so they can escape; because they owe them a 10 second car.
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