Huck's 2006 Sierra Crew

Lol I know it'd look good, just unsure of if it'd be bad on the truck. But the trails are quite a bit heavier so I think the lighter weight might negate the extra height of the mickeys.

He said they're 80-85% tread, could always trade\flip later like you said
Lol. Maybe I'll tell him to meet up and I'll do it as long as they're not huge next to the trails. Plus the trail were 13 wide mounted so I should clear them
Lulz yeah I've got the BL already. I told him I'm gonna pass. I did some eye balling and I might clear them but I'd have to trim more and it'd be so fucking close I'd never be comfortable with it. So trails on LTZs will happen Saturday, maybe sometime this winter/next spring I might splurge on some methods or one of the new moto metals or something
Lol it'll be a while before I buy more wheels. Need other stuff for the truck first. Saw a set on a truck not long ago and they looked sick
Oh yeah? Haven't checked prices on the daisys, just saw them on a website I was looking at several different wheels at lunch. But the moto's aren't bad at all price wise IMO