What notch and what helpers are you running?
I would assume HD is for HD trucks, OR just a heavier duty bag
I can get a set of bags that came off a HD truck, and wanted to know before I get them if it will work.
Can you post pictures of the brackets?
I haven't even bought them yet, just seeing if it will fit.
I just meant if you had a picture if them but like bohall said the bags should be the same but the brackets will most likely be different..you may still be able to use them though
Sorry I miss took what you said. I just might go for it and I'll make it work. (maybe)
Nice :shake: lolI finally installed my helper bags. didnt take very long just a PITTB moving my bed around.
the ride is soo much better now.
yall like the schrader valve?? :lol:
I ran my Schrader valve inside that gas door next to the gas cap, started to put it at the back but it was closer to the gas door so I went that route