HD hood help

It was welded back together though and that's a picture of my old hood but it gives you an idea of the process... when I got that hood done I got cut off a week later and I had to get a new one

Wasn't much damage to the hood but enough to replace it
loclrnc: What, if anything, did you have done differently with the second HD Hood install, versus the first?

In otherwords, once given the unexpected (and unfortunate) opportunity for a redo, did you request any changes to the way the headlight cuts were made or welded?
Go back a page.

Right. But he said that after that hood in the pics on the previous page was made, it was wrecked a week later.

He then said he got another HD hood made, and I asked him if it was any different. In response he said "they cut it different cause there's more of a lip underneath unlike the last one."

That's very interesting, which is why I asked for pics of the underside of the second hood with more of a lip, so it can be compared with the first hood in the pics that are back a page.
Both mine are CAPA Cert. Keystone hoods

My hood is OEM and the Passenger fender is OEM. however, the driver side fender is CAPA Cert. Keystone and it took a little work back there to make it look right. Passenger side took no work.
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Both my HD hoods have a rolled lip that matches the factory rolled lip. It is 100% seemless OEM

Brandon, I saw the photo of the underside of your white RCSB, and it indeed looks flawless... from underneath.

I sent you a long and detailed thank you for your opinion regarding 00-02 versus 03-06 grille styles with the HD Hood (since you are one of the rare and unique individuals who happens to have both), but alas, my PM to you got kicked back because your Private Message inbox was 'FULL'.

Probably from people asking you the same questions I had for you, which you might well expect every time you point out how "100% seamless OEM" your hood cuts turned out, with the perfectly "rolled lip that matches the factory."

How did you accomplish this?

Like I said, I've seen (and saved) your pictures, and searched this website and GMFS for your posts to see if you've already posted a more specific write up or how too... and only came across one thread where you started to explain, but then got derailed by someone who dismissed the importance of rolling that edge, and the thread went off in another direction.

Since this thread is about HD HOOD HELP, I'm hoping you can take minute or two to help us understand how you did such a beautiful job underneath your hoods.
Damn, wish I had seen this thread this morning, I literally just got back from the body shop to check out how the fitment of the HD hood on my spiral gray '03 is going.

This is what I can tell you.

1) I'm using an OEM HD hood off an '01 2500. My fenders are also factory original.
2) In order to get the fitment right, the body shop made a template of the headlight, then removed it, then bolted on the HD hood. Using the template as a guide, they made the initial cut, leaving about 1/2" extra for it to be rolled back (adds strength to the lip of the hood). Small amounts of body filler were used along the cut areas to smooth and blend the rolled portion of the lip to match the rest of the factory roll.
3) The fitment with the GMC grill is not perfect - the front edge of the hood sits slightly more inward than the stock GMC hood. There are no gaps, but just something to keep in mind.
4) With the HD hood mocked up for fitment, it doesn't appear that there will be any contact between the fender and the hood near the hinges, as some have people have brought up. However, this may truly be a truck-to-truck variance, as I've seen all manner of body gaps between the fenders and hoods on NBS trucks.

I will do my best to swing back by the shop tomorrow and snap a few pictures before the hood is fully primed and painted, and hopefully that'll be of some help.
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