GingerCrews 06 CC build


Ok this fucking truck is about to piss me off, got my cruise control fixed, tail light bulb was just burned out.

Now out of the fucking blue, driving o pick up a buddy's car and load it on the trailer, ac is working like usual, get back in the truck and now the whore dosent want to work.

The light on the ac button comes on so it's not a fuse, (going down the road) turn it off and the air comes through like normal air, turn the dial to any number 1-5 and the air gets cold but won't blow.

I'm no ac expert, maybe the blower motor, or the blower motor resister, anyone have any ideas or had this happen
Figured that's what it was.

Most of the time when that starts giving out you only loose like 3 4 and 5 or something like that, mine was working flawlessly, truck was still running when I was out of it loading the car and when I gr back in it wasn't on bit the knob was still on 5, but none of them worked so it really confused me
I need to replace the resistor on my dad's Yukon. Not looking forward to it. Glad it was a semi easy fix for you though and not a complete headache
Ah gotcha. Then I'll have the same issue as he has the full console too. It still works for now, so I'll just put it off :crazy: