Fiesty's 2002 LB7

Lmao that's a lot more than 5k. Dude who works on my truck was selling his lnz which had I not just bought this one I would have bought, he was going to part out his motor coulda got it for 15k and he had 25k in it lol.

Idk how much besides a lot more than anyone else I rode in lol I think off stock you can get 230 with "max effort" but I've got 45% injectors so

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Lmao that's a lot more than 5k. Dude who works on my truck was selling his lnz which had I not just bought this one I would have bought, he was going to part out his motor coulda got it for 15k and he had 25k in it lol.

Idk how much besides a lot more than anyone else I rode in lol I think off stock you can get 230 with "max effort" but I've got 45% injectors so

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I'd keep it around 230 for the sake of your bottom end
Lbz bottom fine the fucking crap Pistons are what will go first, yours is the other way around lol

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Got truck tinted. 5% on sides and over factory 20% on back doors, 12% over factory 20% on rear window. Did this to my last truck, makes backing up trailers much easier at night. Big diff from 5% and 12% looking out.
Gonna do my shield in 35% or 20% when I get a new windshield, current one has some chips. Gonna do them at the same time so my tinter can do the shield before it goes in the truck. Easier to tint on a table than crawling around in the truck, plus it'll only be like $40.

20x10 Hostile Havocs in PVD and 1.5" rear spacers should be here Friday I hope.
Accidentally ordered a PPE boost gauge, so I ordered a steering column pod to put it in.

I'll try to get that shit next week. Been slammed with work, school, and fgt campus visits.
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nice. I need to get something lighter on the back 3 cause I can't see out of them at night. and dfw to find someone to tint new windshield before it goes in. :hmm:
Did the same with the tint, only thing I don't like is that it looks stupid inside the cab, you don't think 20 is too much on the shield?

Sent from Woodys East Coast Bar and Grill.
nice. I need to get something lighter on the back 3 cause I can't see out of them at night. and dfw to find someone to tint new windshield before it goes in. :hmm:
The rear sides don't bother me. But the back windshield with 5 over 20 sucks backing a trailer at night. So I went with 12

Did the same with the tint, only thing I don't like is that it looks stupid inside the cab, you don't think 20 is too much on the shield?
Sent from Woodys East Coast Bar and Grill.

Ur the last person I'd expect to hear 20 is too dark lol. It probably is/will be. 35 is a hair too light. 20 might be too dark. Wish they had a 30. We'll see how froggy I'm feeling on tint day
Lmao I like to at least be able to see in front of me at night left and right are fucked

Sent from Woodys East Coast Bar and Grill.
When are you doing it? I want to do it too but idk how dark to go. My friend has 45 and its a bit light but at night idk if I would want to go darker

Sent from Woodys East Coast Bar and Grill.
Boycotting this thread until you tint your front windshield and tell me if you ran over all the school children or not :crossarms:

Sent from Woodys East Coast Bar and Grill.