De-Redneckification of Mr Pate's 03 Duramax


Went to replace the brakes and rotors today. One rotor had some groves in it so figured I'd replace both. Got one wheel off and noticed that the hub that I just replace was bad so I moved to the other side and that hub was fine so I replaced the one.

Then decided to mount the 2" spacers that I have on the front and took some pics, also took some with the welds. But the 2" spacers are now off the front.

New hub


Bad rotor


New rotor


No spacer


2" spacer


No spacer


2" spacer






Well friday night truck took a crap on me. Coming home from a concert friday right off the highway come to a light I could here a clunking sound. Went to go and made the same noise till after I get it up to speed a little. Came to the next light and tied to go and felt the truck bind up. Haven't torn into it yet I have had the flu. Going to open up the rear diff and see if its the gears if not probably have it towed to the guy who built the trans.
Well been talking to the guy who built the trans and said to try a few things to narrow it down. Found out that a caliper bolt had come off and threw the caliper up and probably made all the noise scraping on the inside lip of my rim.
Well been talking to the guy who built the trans and said to try a few things to narrow it down. Found out that a caliper bolt had come off and threw the caliper up and probably made all the noise scraping on the inside lip of my rim.

Damn that sucks.. And I though my luck was bad. How's the rim?

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