Daniel's Denali

Who doesn't

me. my wife. my buddy in oregon. my buddy in california. my buddy in new york. my buddy in afghanistan. my buddy up the street. my buddy down the street. my neighbor. my mom. my brother. my grandparents. my in-laws. a few of my classmates. miley cyrus. tom brady. obama. obamas kids. obamas kids dog. the entire kardashian clan. the guy working the counter at kinkos. the guy working the counter at burger king. my contractor. my tax professional. my teachers. my professors. my first-sergeant, my commander. my squad leader. my platoon leader. my platoon sergeant. my privates. their privates. my x girlfriends. their x girlfriends. and a few more i might be missing.
but in all honesty i think if you are already rubbing, and you plan on putting on 2" spacers, you are going to have one hell of a time getting it not to rub IMO
I think with the large fender mod and 3 inches out of the wheel well liner he will be fine


Try this mod
Who doesn't

me. my wife. my buddy in oregon. my buddy in california. my buddy in new york. my buddy in afghanistan. my buddy up the street. my buddy down the street. my neighbor. my mom. my brother. my grandparents. my in-laws. a few of my classmates. miley cyrus. tom brady. obama. obamas kids. obamas kids dog. the entire kardashian clan. the guy working the counter at kinkos. the guy working the counter at burger king. my contractor. my tax professional. my teachers. my professors. my first-sergeant, my commander. my squad leader. my platoon leader. my platoon sergeant. my privates. their privates. my x girlfriends. their x girlfriends. and a few more i might be missing.

i call BS i bet one of the people you mentioned rubs

I bet it's the guy at Burger King, I don't trust those fuckers

I'll call them all to confirm, but I'm pretty sure my numbers are accurate. Maybe Aaron can call his people, gather some statistics and we can cross-reference results and get to the bottom of this.

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