Camera Safari (odd, funny, weird or ricers)

Stacks on v8? Lol

First NNBS ive seen around me with cleared lights.
Truck looked good.
Well that wasn't my foot for one and two its not mine and my mother does the same.... le gf does it in my truck :bishslap: takes care of that...

Every chrome emblem that auto zone stocked in the warehouse, green under glow, green LED lights under the headlights and in the grille that wig-wagged back and forth, and a huge green LED strip that went across the toolbox. Dude saw me take the pic and smiled. He thinks its cool lol.
:motherofgod: that's what I hate.. When those dipshits see you taking pictures or even staring at it while it drives by.. You knoww they are thinking 'this guy loves my truck. He's taking pics cause its so badass' :fp:

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