Callind Dat Bagged Brett


Stylish Canadian
Mar 17, 2012
Onterrible, Canada
Calling Dat Bagged Brett

Or anyone else with some hands on knowledge.

I know a guy, whos a friend that likes to ruin trucks. He has a nice 06 CC sierra and was thinking of bagging it in the future for a summer driver.

He was looking at this kit, is it good? He heard good things from extensive, and has seen there work.

What else would be needed ontop of that kit? And can you oinly run 22's and higher?
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IMO I would not run the kit.
here's MY reasoning:
fuck 2 links. plenty of people run them but I will not ever for anything i want to keep.
viair 444c's are also very cheap. they are copy of the 480c's but removed the metal head for a composite material and dropped down to 1/4" leader hose to sell cheaper.
you do not ever want a truck that doesn't have at least individual control up front, but I will never have a truck that doesnt have 8 valves.
I will never have anything bigger than 3/8" valves for a driver. the control you have with them is unmatched in a driving setting.

with all this said Ekstensive does great craftsmanship as far as the work, but the kit they are putting out is to make it affordable to have the truck on air.

if I were building his crew cab.
it would be either a wishbone 3 link like Nfamus sells or a parallel 3 link with watts like i will be doing on my buddies avalanche. its more work but will be much better in the end.
run the ekstensive kit up front is perfectly fine but be aware that not all 22's will clear the arms with the front kit for 24's-28's
run 8 3/8" valves
dual viair 480c's

some other things but those are the big differences from what they are selling and what I would do
thats what i wanted to hear. I saw the price of the kit and thought it was supoer cheap. I'll have him look at the other kits

there aren't really anyone selling kits for trucks other than what they sell. thats why they get so many people buying it. buying the stuff in sections is much better way to set up the truck but will take a little more research.
decide on the front suspension setup
decide on the rear suspension setup
decide on the air managment
decide on what all relocation under the hood after choosing wheel and tire diameter
There are other options for the front suspension. Check my geometry thread sticky. The rear is really all weld in except for the kp kit has to be partially custom mounted to the crew cab
if i were to bag something again, i would get the KP 6 link kit. bulletprof IMO

Not on a crew cab. It's not bolt on anymore but once you line everything up and get it on, it's just as good as the other trucks.