link to LED's, mine arent nearly as bright but i think its bc i bought the cheaper ones. The LED's with a yellow square (high power?) are the brighter ones, or did you get the multi LED bulbs?
The map lights and plate lights are the "5x5050" ones from DDM.


The rear dome lights are the 42mm "9 x 5050" festoon ones

who's HIDs did you go with?

too lazy to read

Xentec 4300K, got them from a friend that sells them but you can get the kits off ebay for like $30. Highs are just PIAA Extreme bulbs and the fogs are just some ebay special 100W halogens for now. I've got another set of the Xentec 4300K for the fogs to install. Might do that this week if I get a chance after work.
Never tried the ones you have, but all my 194's on my truck minus the side markers are the little 1 led bulbs from superbrightleds and they're pretty damn bright
You like the Xentec? A local guy sells them on Craigslist for $40, I bought a set of bulbs from him to run with DDM ballasts in le gf's Mazda and the bulbs are nice. The plastic ballasts seem cheesy. Oh and that emblem is :boobs: I'd love my bowtie to be wrapped in that :cheeky:
Thanks guys, the lights are really bright. Almost too bright I think, they really suprise you when you first turn them on in the dark. The only problem I had with the Xentecs were with the slim ballasts. I installed everything and the lights were blue as hell. Thought I got some 8000k at first. I switched them for the full size ballasts and now they are pure white.

With the slims,



Full size,



Never changed the bulbs, amazing difference between the ballasts. :whoa:
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Looking good man!

You keep giving me ideas of stuff to do, yet im trying to stop spending money on my whip. Keepem coming.
No shit huh? I swear it would take less time for me to drive up to Canada and steal the ones Pat has than it will to wait for new ones to come in. :facepalm:



Truck is filthy but its supposed to rain the next few days. Oh well plastics are done and on.
Which fullsize ballasts are you talking about you switched too? I have those same xentec slim kits but 5k and they still have a blue tint to them. I want pure white but I always thought it was the bulbs. Never would of thought the ballasts are causing them to be more blue