Beware: Distinct Fabrications out of Mckinney, Texas

I finally got my money back from hector via PayPal. Took a lot longer than it should have because he was never at his shop to sign for the delivery and would not go pick it up from ups, so I ended up having to ship it a second time to a different address that PayPal had on record. I don't think it was his address and he didn't seem happy it went there but it got signed for and that was all Paypal needed to refund my money.
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And to answer your question, or to clear things up, yes he can be prosecuted criminally, but as I said, the police (LE) aren't going to do anything after the fact. Case in point...a week after the wreck I called Mckinney Police to file a report, they informed me to call a lawyer, that there was nothing they can do. I have two state trooper friends, and a cop for another jurisdiction, they all 3 confirmed that there was little to be done. They local PD won't waste time on a report when it means nothing. Had I reported it that day, they would have gladly (well, not gladly) drove over and met me.

This will have to be settled in court, but the coward rat is dodging people. He has several cars at his shop the last time I was there that were unfinished. He owes a lot of money to a lot of people. And supposedly he already has several judgments out on him.

He isn't going to pay, no one will ever see their money, so instead I keep this bumped so I can screw him out of future work.

With that being said, troll on my text messages. This is meant to be a serious thread. No more BS...sorry, I was screwed out of money and time and many headaches, I don't want it whored out for fun.
Yeah, you're probably right, nobody will ever see their money. Hopefully your threads and others will keep him out of business and maybe, just maybe he'll screw up and get caught/arrested one day
Someone isn't happy with me...

Jared. What is your problem with you spilling all your nonsense onto my shops facebook. I have a number for you to contact me. Making me look back online will not fix things any sooner. I had to find other source of income due to the fact that i havent received any work at what i do bacause of the situation im in and because off all the defamation evebody has said about me publically. Again, if you wat to talk call me or text me. Heres my number if you have forgotten. **********. One thing I'm not and THATS A THIEF!. Like i told you before if i had the money to repay you, i would have in a heart beat. Im not like that. I have your 150 i owe you. Just let me know when would it be a good time to deliver it to you. Again, if you have any issues contact me and quit making a fool of me and yourself by posting childish shit online. Thanks!!!

i edited out his phone number, no need to have it published just to have people bombard him with random texts and make matters worse
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I'll set up a PO box, I have no desire to meet with this, nor take any further chances. We'll see if a money order shows up.
That guy's pathetic. $150? What about all the other shit? That's like a slap in the face, him saying "I've got your $150, quit talking shit". Bitch plz
At least yours and other's posts are making his business decline. Exactly what should happen. I think that shop going under and a bad reputation following him for life is fair justice after the shit he has pulled on people. I say keep the shit talking going.

Sent from my igloo eh.