Bagged NBS Thread (99-07c) Pics & Discussion 123123

I'm sorry I charge people to advertise on my site. Like Jared said we are a negative profit site. I pay a decent car payment amount a month to keep this place up and running. With the traffic we get right now I could easily screw everyone over and blast the site with advertisments and links but I swore when Jared and I opened this place I wouldn't stoop so low. So the little bit of money I get from vendors and our awesome members goes directly to keeping us alive and taking some of the stress off me so I can pay for gas to get to work and defend whats left of this country.

I have no problem with you posting your shops current projects our you giving advice but It wouldn't be fair to the paying vendors if I gave u a break because u might post more than them. Show some self control and just come and hang out. If your really passionate about what you do then who cares if you can or cannot push your product for free on a website.

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I don't think anyone was asking you to be sorry? in fact, i think it was the opposite.

Honestly, i dont really join forums to hang out. I join them to help others, and have others help me. there just seems to be too find of a line of whats allowable and whats not allowable. I only post in one section of a forum, the adjustable suspension forum or in this case, the lowering forum, I enjoy asking questions and i enjoy answering questions, i dont do much hanging out. I was not trying to push any product when i put my website address in my signature, or a picture of my logo in my avatar, but those were both quickly removed, so im a bit un clear of what is allowed really.

So, hypothetical situation here, to see what is allowed.

Someone posts a thread asking for suggestion for bagging the front of their 2005 silverado. What am I allowed to post?
I definitely see your point, it makes it hard. But it's similar to us having a few members here who do tuning, but don't comment on others treads about their services.

Just tell them what you would run, at leave it at that...such as XXX setup. Then leave it up to them to do some research. You are right, there is a fine line, and trust me, we hate it too. But we've made the decision to keep it this way instead of being like some other forums with shitty ads everywhere.

I am sure you received my pm last night, it has more info and clarification over the subject. I hope you stick around either way.
nothing and just wait for me to say something about your kit and then like the post.
I am far from knowing everything but if I don't ill research and study it until I can form a logical opinion.
Just tell them what you would run, at leave it at that...such as XXX setup. Then leave it up to them to do some research. You are right, there is a fine line, and trust me, we hate it too. But we've made the decision to keep it this way instead of being like some other forums with shitty ads everywhere.

this doesnt seem right jared? whats the difference from someone reccomending and taylors kit and saying the benefits of it, and taylor recommending his kit and saying the benefits of it? because he's the manufacturer he's not allowed to speak on it? what better way to learn about a product then from the manufacturer?its not like if he said id go with this and here's the benefits he's promoting his products. he's informing us about his products as any of us inform othher people about other companies products. and as far as leaving it up to them to do the research? i thought thats what forums were for, is research. sometimes new threads can give newer better information on products then google or the "search" button. just my opinion though.

they were vice versa brandon.i love that truck. actually fount it for sale years ago for like 16k.
I definitely see your point, it makes it hard. But it's similar to us having a few members here who do tuning, but don't comment on others treads about their services.

Just tell them what you would run, at leave it at that...such as XXX setup. Then leave it up to them to do some research. You are right, there is a fine line, and trust me, we hate it too. But we've made the decision to keep it this way instead of being like some other forums with shitty ads everywhere.

I am sure you received my pm last night, it has more info and clarification over the subject. I hope you stick around either way.

If it were that simple, that would be great. But, it never is. Really, in the long run i have no real way to comment, participate or post pictures of anything really, because just like you know, its never that simple, there are all ways follow up questions. Thats why I pretty much stopped posting once i was asked to keep from mentioning my stuff before, there is just no way to asnwer anyones questions with any accuracy without giving details, or good info thats actually useable.

Maybe some day the site will have enough traffic, in the lowering section or maybe an adjustable suspension section at some point, and it will make it worth while to pay to advertise, but its just not worth it at the moment. I dont want a dedicated forum, or area to "push" products, and give pricing and what not. I just want to be able to give my honest opinion on something, and offer any insight i can towards anyone interested in bagging their truck, with my parts, or someone else s parts.

I dont really check PMs, next time im at my computer i will look at it and read it. I havent gotten anything yet.
All I'm gonna say is, I REALLY wish vendors were allowed to post about their products. Ekmw isn't on this forum because of the low traffic and then when I had the problem with my shocks, there was no one there to answer it, and they wouldn't get back to me over Facebook/phone either....

Taylor, make a fake profile of some Schlub who just recommends only MMW stuff. Lulz...
Even if everyone pays its not going to make anyone from the company post on here. Ekstensive is a vendor on Gmfs and they don't post jack shit worth anything.
And they were supposed to be one here. No biggie. We'd prefer vendors who are active over anything. But most are just too busy. I consifdr Tim a good guy and I can contact him any day via phone. But here is a different story. Just not enough time for some. I just call Tim when I need parts. Just ordered spindles today
And just to be clear, you do not offer an advertizing package that does not feature a dedicated forum, for pricing deals and such? right?

Im a member of a few forums that do it that way as well, so i figured i would ask. I believe they call it a site sponsor, or site supporter....
