Assmaster's ass makeover build

Wet sanded the bottom fender and all of the tailgate today. Dried off and re taped some spots. Sitting in FGT ass class right now while dad is applying 2nd coat of primer. I believe we're gonna spray the storm gray on tonight too

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Storm gray is on. Tomorrow my dad will spray silver birch then clear everything while I'm stuck working 17hrs :nono:

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Don't have any :okay: got home from class and dad was already done and home. Said there was nothing else to do tonight so I didn't go back over to the shop. So I won't even get to see er till Saturday morning after the clear is dried :emo:

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All painted and cleared!


Can obviously tell the difference in paint on the fender cause we used a tape line lol


Still a little high spot on the dent we couldn't get out. It's a lot less noticeable in person than here


We fucked up on the tailgate. Kinda hard to see but on the top left there's a darker blob. While my dad was spraying the paint he hit the chain hoist by accident, which shook dirt and debris all over that section. Said he tried to sand it a little to get it off and hoped the clear covered it up, but not so much lol. In a month after everything fully cures we will redo that section and re clear the whole thing again I think


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Oh and it's all put back together and the trucks all done. But I won't post fully finished pics till after the meet tomorrow. Make them feel special for getting first looks ;)

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Looks a lot better dude!

I'll be sure to take high res shots of the dirt on the tailgate :troll3:
Hehe well its not ideal to paint in. It's a trucking company shop my dad owns. So when we painted there's mad shit floating around in the air. Dirt, dust, debris, ect

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