Assmaster's ass makeover build

Well then :yuno: how to use it?? Make a search, then go to the top right. Should say notify. Click that then save your search. Do that several times and wahla, you have the screen I posted first

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Got the bumper hitch and flares off. Doing more once dad gets off

Tailgate as of now

What were gonna grind down and spray over

Dat workspace, you be :jelly:


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Popped out the dent the best we could. Couldn't get fully in behind it

Grinded dem rust bubbles off



What we left it as. No more driving truck for me for a few days

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Did a little more today. Hand sanded the two sides and bottom of the tailgate. The rear panel behind the pass. Tire was pretty rotted, could flex and bend it like tin foil. The chunk you see missing is from the support rod that's usually there. It rusted off where it connected :nono:

So we found a thin piece a metal from an old computer tower and used that as a reinforcement :lol:

The backside after plate

Took everything off the bumper and sanded that all down

Annd after applying bondo, sanding, bondo, sanding, bondo, sanding, fine sanding, finer sanding.. We have this

Also finished up sanding down the end of the bed ^

Soo now everything is ready for primer already :dubstep: When I get out of class in the afternoon I'm going to tape everything off, then go back to class all night, and my dad will prime everything

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Are you going to coat the back of that rust patch with some rust converter and undercoating? I'd be worried about the rust coming back.

Nice progress!!!
Yeah on the exterior we sprayed some rust preventative primer we had. Then later I think I'll chip away and hand sand the inside panel and spray with some bed liner shit i have left over lol

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Lmao yeah I know it was bad. I hated driving around cause when passed people would be looking at the front, then the side, then see the back and I'm just like :okay: made it look like a turd

Edit. And if ya noticed, whenever I had pics or a photo shoot, I never took em from the back side loll

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Lots of pics from today. Decent progress.
Taping everything off





Csme back from class, sanded the particles of dirt that landed on it all during drying, then applied glazing putty over top any spot bondo was. Everything all primered up





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:lemon: tomorrow after class I'm going back to wet sand the glazing putty, and idk what else loll but will be shooting another layer of primer over everything, then probably the storm gray all tomorrow night

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