Looking good. Any other plans for the truck?
Im thinking of doing white headlights. Sounds hella gay, but I gotta do somethign about these black ones lol
- - - - - - - - - -auto merged double post- - - - - - - - - -
Also, that shit looks gay. Put the stocks back on
- - - - - - - - - -auto merged double post- - - - - - - - - -
annnnd just found a set of clear OEMs for 400 with no broken tabs. Score!
Dnw white or black heads. Would find some of the chrome projector stocks imo
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I actually like the 20s and fat tires better, looks sporty and beefy as fuck. I'd rock it just like that :imo:
I actually like the 20s and fat tires better, looks sporty and beefy as fuck. I'd rock it just like that :imo:
They are stocks fgt....I'll swap back after I clean, polish, and seal the 22s. Look great for basically free 20s with 305s for burnouts/autocross. Ship me black ones.
I'll stick to my OEM black....Fuck that chrome shit on dark color.
Has chrome wheels, but likes black headlights :65wat:
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