Alecks' hopes and dreams thread.

Alecks' Slow 09

Dafuq kinda tint shop doesn't have 35?
He's my cousin and he doesn't have any others on him. He does mobile tinting for company vehicles and car lots for cars just sold or personal vehicles too. Been doing it for like 20 years now.
The kind that comes out to your house :cheeky:
This lol

Oh and he's only charging me $30 for supplies :cheeky:
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35 is fine imo sometimes I want to have 20 but I've never seen that in person

Sent from limp mode cat eye.
He uses Johnson Films which is supposed to be the highest quality out there. He said he has 70% of that on his DD and likes it. Said he had 40 on his Yukon and couldn't see at night lol. I don't want it dark. I just want it where I don't have to squint to drive lol
Said he had 40 on his Yukon and couldn't see at night lol.


He blind? I have 35, and can barely tell it's on at night, much less during the day.

Sent from my poopoo S5