You could also run djm control arms and use your keys to adjust the height. They net 3" drop. hit up CammedVmax if you decide to go that route, he has some for sale.
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You could also run djm control arms and use your keys to adjust the height. They net 3" drop. hit up CammedVmax if you decide to go that route, he has some for sale.
You said that 4x4's all have a 2" lift block, that, when removed, will give an automatic 2" drop. I drive an 05 sierra 1500 4x4, and want a 2" drop in the rear to level the truck. Would this vehicle have the block as well? I was under the assumption I would need to install drop shackles for the 2" drop, however if all i have to do is remove the lift block and put on new u bolts, it may be the best case scenario.
Okay I had seen the 3" drop spindles on eBay I believe. Maybe I was mistaken. I had someone tell me if you run 2500 keys flipped it will give you 3" of drop? Is this true?
Do I just pull my CVS out? What do I put over the holes in the front diff? Sorry I've lowered 100 2wd never 4wd
coukd also run 2wd hubs
Seems like we've been having a lot of 4wd lowering questions here lately so I thought I would make a thread for questions and reccomendations..
Front: there are a few different ways you can lower the front end of a 4x4, depending on how low you want to go and what you wanna spend..
-4wd use torsion bars in the front as opposed to coils used by 2wd, the torsion bars have torsion keys which allow you to adjust the height of the front adjust the torsion keys raise the front end of the truck all the way off the ground letting the suspension hang..then locate the torsion bar crossmember, in the middle of the crossmember you will see a bolt head sticking out on each side, loosening the bolt will lower and tightening will raise the front end.
Decranking stock keys won't get you much drop but simply swapping in a set of 2500 keys and decranking will net around 3" of drop
In order to swap keys you will need to get the front end off the ground letting the suspension hang, then you can rent a torsion key removal tool (some auto parts stores may not have them) but a ball joint press tool works great too, place the top part of the ball joint press/torsion bar tool on the top of the crossmember and tighten it up to get the tension off the key, then knock the torsion bar out of the key, swap in the new keys and put it back together then repeat for the other side. Then loosen to achieve wanted drop.
-Spindles can be used but you must run 17+ spindles due to the cv axles. When installing spindles you have to cut the balljoint studs off flush with the bottom of the nut in order to clear the cv axles and make clearence for 17" rims. You can pair 2" drop spindles with decranked 2500 keys for 5" drop.
-lower control arms can be used for the front and can be bought in 3" and 4" drop, these should be paired with upper control arms in order to correct camber. This is the most expensive route but also rides the best.
Rear: the rear on a 4wd is basically the same as 2wd, only difference being that 4wd's have a 2" lift block from the factory. Removing this will get you a free 2" but you will need 2wd u bolts. Everything else can be done the same as 2wd..
-flip kit
On to some pictures
This was removed blocks and 2" shackles, stock up front
This was flip kit with decranked 2500 keys
Flip and shackles, decranked 2500 keys and 2" spindles with stock shocks(not reccomended)
Same drop after adding belltech street performance shocks for 5/8
Decranked keys, spindles, flip kit, shackles, 3" blocks and helpers
Any questions or information to add feel free to post them here or pm me