:tableflip: kay: :suicide2:
Buy gmc tails first then we can trade :crazy: :cheeky:
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:tableflip: kay: :suicide2:
Buy gmc tails first then we can trade :crazy: :cheeky:
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urrrmmmm no. u buy gmc tails then sail me urs for supa cheap
Y not jus shave da tail lites
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as long as i get free tails outta itGonna buy your drop parts then resale to Korbin 10% markup :success: :troll:
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as long as i get free tails outta it
You haz blue trok. Won't let you put blek tails on her :nono:
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it'll be satin white soon enough :read:
Cocaine and chrome :read:
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:turbohump: to stormtrooper
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Eewwww im even gheyer
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chrome is for steers n queers :read:
and who said storm trooper? i currently have black wheels as of yesterday. before was chrome