07 classic vmax build thread

Said and then proven in the same day lmao

Just get a one piece shaft for that bitch and forget about it.

Hahaha I know right.. Got shit makin noises and I'm buying audio stuff. Next paycheck I'll take care of the problems. As well as get all my materials together for my box build. Can't just fix shit, gotta do more mods too lol

Edit: I'll get you those pics of my back seat setup when I pull my box out. I'm having to redo one if the mounts to make room for the box anyways.

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I've always heard that but never have looked into it lol. Do they get play in them or what actually goes wrong with them? Never understood how a shaft goes bad

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There's a bearing on the lower part of the shaft that gets some play in it after a while. There's an updated shaft out, I'll see if I can dig up the number some time.
I've been a full time college student. Mowed 30-40 lawns per week. And worked 30 hrs a week at another job. Not fun.

Lol yeah it sucks.. I'm doin about 45 hours between jobs and takin 12 hours of classes. Only time I have to do anything is at night. Going to change soon though hopefully.

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so talked Korbin into washing my truck for me, he took some badass pictures when he was done too :datass:

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