So I've been having over charging issues for a few weeks now, DC says the alt is a dummy and just does as its told since it doesn't have a voltage regulator like the 4 pin alts do. XS says their batts are probably good and to check the charging voltage. So I swapped alts and still have the same issue, its not the alts. I bought a new D3400....still have the same problem....volts will climb to 15.2v and stay there, no matter what
issed: Problem did go away when I swapped batts but its back again after a few days, which seems to be what happens after the computer relearns and whatnot. After some googling....turns out that the 2 pin alts have a lil blek box on the negative battery cable which controls the alternator output. People have reported the same issue as I had....start at 14.6v and then climbing to 15.2v and staying there :nono:
For anyone having this same issue and having a 2 pin alternator, swap the SARVC module. Ive got one coming my way, will post results.