Welders Thread

I'm not knocking the hf hood but they seem to be hit or miss one will be good the other will have u hatin life later that night
Im looking into getting a cheap 110 just to start learning just practice with some scrap steel and maybe move up later. Are the cheap clarke welders ok to start with or should I just spend the coin and go with a better miller?
I've got a Lincoln 140 I'm using right now with some .035 flux-core and it does everything I need so far. Would love to snag some gas and try it out.
i have a lincoln weldpak 5000hd mig on a cart.i got it from a buddy for 500 hardly used which was a score.i have it setup for .30 right now.leather gloves.i used to have some cheapass ebay helmet i got for like 60 bucks.used that for years but i finally got a jackson which was a little over 300 and i will say right now spend some coin on a good helmet.it is night and day difference with a good helmet
I got a lincoln 125 for 100$. Brand new sitting in a old ware house that some people were selling the stuff out off.
Brand new I think they are around 400 at home depot.
I love it right now I'm running flux core but I can get the kit to run gas with it but never got around to it yet

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So in your opinion, just rock a HF autodimming hood? I'm badgering a guy on GMFS for a lincoln hood, but I'm in no hurry. I've been welding alot with the old school helmet... kinda sucks.
I've had my HF adjustable autodimming $40 helmet for a while, so far I have no complaints.
On another note, what do people do for getting further away from their 220 socket? My gun and ground lead lengths leave something to be desired, so I'll probably make an extension cable thing but wasn't sure if there are other options out there
I made my own extension cord, about 25ft IIRC out of some scrap 10ga cable I had. Went to lowes and got the plug and just got a regular wall mount receptacle and a metal box for the other end. I plastidipped the box to make it a little more durable, corrosion resistance, and sealed.
Maybe getting a miller tig sometime this summer to do some aluminum projects. Was looking at the diversion 180 or the syncrowave 200. Anyone wanna explain to me what Pulsed tig is? I haven't done any research so I figured I'd ask here first before reading up on it.
Pulse is an automated setting using a pulser that will go from a predetermined power to a lower power arc automatically at some frequency you can set. Basically it's like the machine working the pedal for you more uniformly than you can and depending on set frequency faster than you can.

It's really useful for stainless where you need good fusion, but limited total heat input so you don't cook the base materials and eliminate the passivation layer if you can't brush the joint afterwords.
I'm running the good ole Lincoln, 110v and has literally welded two holds of a truck back together twice, and countless body panels. I'm out of ga right now and running flux core, way sloppier, but it does thick metal pretty well.
Dat 120 Lincoln. Welds absolutely anything I've ever needed to weld. When looking to buy, just be honest. No sense in spending gobs of money on a big welder when a 120 can weld up to 1/4" steel.
got the lincoln 140 mig welder for my dad (sisters me and brother and mom put together enough money and bought it for either a bday gift or fathers day) got welder+small tank+pair of gloves for 800 somethin i believe, maybe a bit more but not over 1000, and the guy threw in a pair of welding sleeves and extra pair of gloves for me since hes the supplier for the votech i went to (same welder i used at votech so i know its good) its done pretty well, welded up some ramp doors on my dads trailer,as the were starting to fall off.




dont judge! :lol:
now i know the welds r shitty and not ground down but this is from when we first got it and had to find the right settings for it.
doesnt have to be pretty since its just a trailer but it holds
