It has the bypass, an most importantly it's $30 less u can spend on getting gregd
Sent from my hacked super-nintendo
Sent from my hacked super-nintendo
Get one with the bypass.
And I would stick with the 40k.
Get one with the bypass. It lets the coolant stay just in the lines/trans when it's really really cold, it won't go through the cooling fins. Fluid has a specific operating range, so it can be too cold as well as too hot.
Sent from Tapatwat
:goon: I feel as if I'm missing the point here....
What Greg said. I was referring to Tiki's commentYou don't need bypass lol. Doesn't get cold enough down south to need it :imo:
Sent from Tapashit
I'd love to see your technical dissertation on this topic.
Running no-bypass 40K, factory lines, want to get one for the Tahoe.
:goon:I have a 40k as well. There is someone on another forum that makes a bolt-in kit for it. The only thing you have to do is cut one line (passenger side), spin it around and connect it with a compression fitting. It works great.