No real updates other than I stopped by the paint shop to set up having my rear bumper re sprayed. Also inquired about a quote to spray whole truck for what it's worth.
Ordered a 20" LED to mount in the front bumper gap. Also, bought a new front bumper with said bumper gap so it's going for paint first and then will be mounted
Few pics from this morning when I met the guy for the bumper.
Got bored tonight and realized I hadn't installed my Clazzios yet so decided to mess around with them for an hour in the dark. I'll get some better pics tomorrow when I get the passenger side done
Here's the finished pic. I didn't install the upper jump seat cover because frankly it looks like shit. I may just leave it as is or have a shop fab something up for me
Paint shop is pissing me off as my bumper was supposed to be done Tuesday and I found out on Thursday that they hadn't even blasted it yet. I'm picking it up tonight and taking it to another shop.
Got the truck all cleaned up for a meet last night, took pics before, on the way there and after but forgot to take any of my truck during :nono: oh well lots of people were taking pics so I might be able to find one