RCSB Derpamax Build


Trimmed up


My circle jig for my router disappeared so I just free handed it.


No more getting high from resin lol


Gutter covers re purposed. I got 5 of these for a dollar.




Wetted out and waiting for it to cure.



And my weiner sleeping when I came in.



Some of the high spots knocked down. It will need a little sanding and then not much bondo. It lifted on the top in the middle so I'm just going to cut that out and redo it. I should have put some heat on it last night so I could watch it cure or put a self taper in to hold it in place as it cured but oh well.

I did it this way so I can add 7-8 layers of glass to the inside easily then I will connect the back portion to the mdf through the speaker hole so I can pull the box out of the console if I need to.
what was your process for the piece of glass molded to the floor? Watching you do this makes me want to actually do something again haha
Sure you can. I almost did and aero port because it would have taken half the time but the port velocity would have been 115 f/s and with a 4" square port its 90 f/s so I shouldn't get any port noise with it cranked up.

With a single 8 it would have been pretty easy to build.

what was your process for the piece of glass molded to the floor? Watching you do this makes me want to actually do something again haha

Just laid 2 layers of cheap painters tape down so the carpet doesn't get any resin in it, I cut the MDF piece out and taped it where I wanted it to be with all the panels and seats in place then started laying glass.

I have like 20 yards of fiberglass and a 5 gallon bucket from US composites. :lol:
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Sure you can. I almost did and aero port because it would have taken half the time but the port velocity would have been 115 f/s and with a 4" square port its 90 f/s so I shouldn't get any port noise with it cranked up.

With a single 8 it would have been pretty easy to build.

Lol I have no idea what you just said but I will take ur word for it

Sent from my potato
If you're doing an 8" you won't need as big of a port or at all if you're going sealed.

If your port velocity is over 100f/s then you will get port noise when you crank it up louder...it's bad. And if your port is really shitty you'll get port compression and it isn't good either.
If you're doing an 8" you won't need as big of a port or at all if you're going sealed.

If your port velocity is over 100f/s then you will get port noise when you crank it up louder...it's bad. And if your port is really shitty you'll get port compression and it isn't good either.

Ah I see now I understand. Everyone who I have ever talked to with subs say these enclosures are easy to build for a basic one I guess. Im sure the caliber of your build is a tad more difficult
Easier to build if you have the space.

Bad news. The newest tube of activator I started using was bad for some reason (I just bought it from Lowes yesterday.) so now my enclosure is half constructed out of half cured fiberglass resin.

So needless to say I cut it back apart and saved the base and thats what I knew was still good.




Oh well. Shit happens.
Should have installed it anyway and wrote "Boyett Bros Kustomzzzz" on it with a sharpie :imo:


Would need a spoder man stencil and do some custom spidey airbrushing first.

Hopefully tomorrow it'll go better. Going to take an inch off teh top so it matches the angle the rest of the console is at.
Trying again.



Took an inch and a half of height off the back piece so it will be near level after the console lid.