Procharger i-1 *Programmable Boost*


Canuck Admin
Staff member
Feb 9, 2012
Sudbury, ON
Had a "shut up and take my money" moment when I saw this.

Super cool, but I wonder how much more expensive it'll be over the P1Sc

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Just like Bass knobs for people with subs. They'll jsut crank the fuck outta them and wreck shit. VEry cool idea tho, and they will market the fuck outta it.

Tiss Pointless tho. If any of you guys had a blower you'd know that you want all the boost....all the questions asked.
For now... lol.

If I'm just commuting and don't give a fuck about making 12312039485621304lbs of boost all the time and producing 12304987652349047213562309875whp... I'd turn it down for cruising RPM's.

With multiple modes, you can have full on retarded mode at the push of a button.
or just know how to drive and manage the power with a fixed amount of boost. convenient yes, practical for an extra $2k? not imo