OBS brake issues

Front left caliper is seized. Guess that will be my adventure for tomorrow. I've watched 100 videos on bleeding brakes. Any helpful tips?
Wasn't bad at all. Bleeding was extremely simple. Bought a little kit from advanced that has the tubing and bottle. Calipers went on and off easy. Fucking Tire Kingdom has managed to strip both bleeder screws on the back from the previous work.

Did a couple test hits. It brakes a lot quicker and much harder now. Still feels a little squirrelly up front but I'll blame that on tie rod ends or the little bit of brake fluid that was dripped on a rotor.

Next weekend will be tie rod ends and trying to find a third brake light. Fucking impossible to order a OEM one for a decent price. All the cheap ones are LED.

And I was informed that my steering box needs adjusted (worm gear tightened?). The shop says they're not allowed to do it but the guy said it needs done. How do I go about this?
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Welllllllllll its doing the same fucking thing again. Hit the brakes and the steering shoots to the right. Sooooo what do I need to do next? Thinking brake hoses and tie rod ends. Then the only thing I can blame is the master cylinder if it continues. Fuckkkk.
Talked with a few people and its more than likely the drivers side brake line ballooning and not putting full pressure to the caliper which causes the passenger side to grab first. Gonna put new lines on the front tomorrow. If this doesn't help then its jug of gas and lighter time.
I compared all the pads and they're all almost identical wear-wise. Haven't checked the rotors but I will tonight when I do the hoses. If the hoses don't fix the problem then I'll have to take it to a shop. Not much else I'll be able to do by myself to fix the issue.
The original diagnosis from a shop was my driver side caliper was seized and not operating which caused only the passenger side to grab, thus causing a hard pull towards the passenger side. That fixed the problem for 4 days. Now its doing it exactly the same as before. So I think maybe the drivers side brake line is old and is actually expanding instead of sending the full pressure to the caliper.

I'll get back with y'all tonight and report the results after I change the hoses.
How come when I bleed the brakes with the truck off, it builds pressure fine, but then when I cut the truck on, it loses all pressure? And why if I'm bleeding with the truck on, it never gains pressure? Bled em probably 20 times. Can't get them to hold pressure for shit. No leaks. No air bubbles in the fluid coming out. No vacuum hoses loose. What the fuck.

Maybe I'm bleeding wrong?

Online it says to have someone pump the brakes 3 times then open the bleeder and close it back while the pedal is still down.

A buddy told me to have the bleeder open while the pumping is being done then close at the end of the last pump.

Tried both. Did 3 cycles on each wheel every time I bled. Starting with furthest away. Still fucked.
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you buddy is a idiot,

first have the truck off.

pump the brakes until you notice the pedal isnt getting any harder,

then while someone is pushing the pedal down, you open the bleeder,

have them push the pedal all the way to the floor, then tighten the bleeder.

then they can take their foot off the pedal and begin pumping again.

3 pumps isnt enough IMO i normally do somewhere around 10.

bleed them out 3 or so times, make sure the master cylinder stays full with brake fluid.

then once you have really good pedal with the truck off, start it, and pump them a few times.

if it doesnt brake worth a fuck, i would guess the master cylinder took a shit.