No F*CKS Given Tahoe


Canuck Admin
Staff member
Feb 9, 2012
Sudbury, ON
So... my buddies and I were thinking it'd be fun to do a Haggard Garage style YouTube series with my friend's Tahoe that he bought for cheap and uses as a beater.

It's beat to fuck, has a bunch of bumper stickers on the back glass, and dents from drunk people trying to Dukes of Hazzard slide across the hood.

Here it is when he first got it:


Basically how it sits now:


I'll get more pics of this thing.

NO, nobody takes this truck seriously lol. So basically we want to mod it the way we shouldn't mod it lol. Take it wheeling, try to break it, etc.

Last weekend we built a PVC intake for it:


And thus the first episode of the series. I dunno how many videos there'll be about this truck, but whatever we do should be good fun.

Basically, what stupid shit should we build for this thing? On the cheap of course.
What a waste of a good Tahoe. :(
But anyways, here are some mods you should NOT do, lol!

Install big ass light bars on hood, bumper, or roof
Big ass bull bar or brush guard on front
Install big fake stick on vents on front fenders
Chrome plated shit everywhere (stuff you find on the accessories isle at Auto zone)
Plasti-dip random parts a wierd ass color (looks like you already got started with that shit on the hood and rockers) :lol:
That's actually rocker guard hahaha. We were going to plasti dip the intake some awful looking camo colour, but realized that buying 3 cans of Plasti Dip would absolutely blow our budget lol.

Honestly, this Tahoe was wasted when he bought it lol. Spray foam, duct tape, body filler, paint... that's how a lot of rot was fixed by the PO.
I took the doors off my Volvo but if I were to do it again id leave the doors in and cut the roof and pillars off but leave the doors all the way up srs

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