NNBS Crew Cab Box


Staff member
Dec 9, 2010
Yo been looking around for probably a dual sub box to fix under my rear seats because u cant fit them behind anymore. Any suggestions? I was looking at subthumb and the shit ones on amazon. Just wanted to know what anyone else has done, and making my own is out of the question (not time or place to do it).
I've heard a lot of people use the subthump boxes and like them, or just have a local shop build you one.
Check out fox acoustics. I installed one of their boxes in a Buddy's ram and was pretty Impressed. (Sundown SA10, ported)
IMO try and find you a ported box. Never really cared for the sealed sound.

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Go to Norton's Car Audio on Ashley Phosphate Rd. Have always heard good things and they sponsored quite a few people I know in audio competitions. They've been around for years.

Or go to Hurricane beside the Wal Mart in Summerville. They build boxes and have a lot on display. Buddy just put a downfire box from there in his NBS ecsb. Hits pretty good.

I'm a huge fan of downfire style boxes.
I've always heard good things about subthump. Keep an eye on craigslist too, I picked up one of those generic boxes from a guy that got it at a local shop/flea market thing. It fit good, had a 1000W amp and 2 12" kickers for $200
the tech12volts box is one of the best boxes I've seen personally. It first direct under your seat and dual fires 2 10" sundown SD2 10s up both on the driver side. Also it is ported and port shoots into passenger rear door. tuned to 36hz. if interested pm me and i'll send you some pics or give you the guys number.
would not go fox for a couple of reasons such as the box is not tuned as low as they state, the ports fire directly into the hump in the back so it pretty much blocks the air, and expensive for what it is imo