New guy and proud MASShole

If you have the customer base, very profitable. Easily make $5k+ just pushing snow for the season.
Cornell plows I'm sure he makes bank. I use to it is real good cash even if you do it on the sides like I did. Had a few driveways and had one private road. Use to drive around too desperate people will flag you down lol

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depends on contracts IMO. If done per month and no snow = BANK but obviously this way is a gamble. also per occurrence is a decent cash but hard on trucks.
How profitable is plowing? I'm down south and have seen snow twice in my life.

as they all stated it depends on what you do and how much the plow cost and what you damage/need to repair. my whole plow set up cost me next to nothing(which is already payed off after 2 small storms), i am a mechanic so repairs are dirt cheap or free, and i have about 13 driveways on top of my normal job so other than gas and red bull its all profit for me lol $-) . just gotta manage and plan your route out right and be careful not to take out anyone's property and its all easy money
while I kinda miss it I also kinda dont. Would do it if I had two trucks. plow truck and fun truck. Sucked trying to make a clean work truck lol. Plus I can just fuck around in the snow now