Neglected bagged truck

Eventually. I have three weeks of coming up but Truck fund has been drained. Going to put everything back together and back into garage till more funds are saved. Plan is to pull cab and motor either this winter at buddies shop or do it next spring. But I need the MMW front kit first and I don't have $1000 to buy it. Also have to complete interior swap and front clip. In the mean time I will slowly collect parts till I have enough to justify pulling it out again.
good plan, just keep it indoors so it doesnt look like it did when you started lol

Truck was stored indoors, they just had moisture issues the past year and it was hard on alllll vehicles stored there. At least 2 insurance claims I know of.

holy fawk I love this colour:


:hng: Not a fan of the paint jobs with large gold flake but that red flake underlay makes my knees buckle.


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stopped off at the Powder Shop on the way home to talk to them about coating a ton of parts for truck. Turns out, that the one color I picked from everything is the most $$$$ and has to be special ordered from Europe? It's a two stage metallic orange. The other option is the copper metallic which I am starting to learn more towards. The orange might pop a bit plus it's 3X the price HAHA.


others which are 1/3 the price from the two above. The colors below will "pop" more and be brighter. They don't have a clear on them and are just on cardboard.

thanx CUB, there is a place 1.5 hours away that is "certified" to spary their product. I'll call tomorrow. Other places said it's a one shot deal and can't match second time around cuz of chemical reaction with 2 stage PC's. If that's the case I'm fucked. Truck will have to sit in pieces till I can afford to tackle engine as well cuz I'd like to have a few engine pieces coated to match.

Tis what I got done this weekend.

As stated before I am fucking broke so I spent all saturday morning soaking and scrubbing nuts bolts and other small pieces. I don't have $100+ to replace all the 8 grade hardware but they cleaned up nicely.

the fucking cap on the sending unit was RUSTED! I mean RRRRRUUUUSSSSTTTTEEEEEDDDD. Took over an hour and half with wire brush, small pic and penetrating fluid to get it off. The locking tabs rusted right to the cap and almost snapped one off. Would have sucked!



old cap literally crumbled:


How dif sits till I can clean it up and order parts:

heat shield before:

After: Not sure how the flat black engine enamel will hold up.

your right it does. It has some serious pitting but the coating is textured anyways. Spent 5 hours today grinding with grinder, cordless drill and stone grinders, wire brush and even some 60 grit sand paper. TONS of tiny spaces just caked with mud and rust. I figure another full day and she will be ready to coat.

well quick update.

I got a notice from the condo corp Friday before taking off for vacation. The notice said I have until the 12th to get truck back into garage. People complained that I was working on my truck in the driveway. We really don't own the driveway or garage but do have an extended use clause and according to it we are not supposed to be doing large projects in either. Long story short people are upset because while my truck is parked in driveway, I am parking in visitors. The poor people who didn't fork out the additional $15,000 for a condo with garage feel it is unfair for me to take up an additional spot. They feel entitled to them because they only have one spot available at their dwelling where we with garages have two.

I called the corp when I got home today to discuss my situation and yes I am in violation BUT I was unaware and according to him he has been getting 3-4 calls a day from a select 12 owners and has even received 2 petitions to have my truck towed on the spot. SO I asked for a copy and agreed to do my best to have truck removed on the 12th. He even said the rules are very open and any smart person can find a loop hole and to please not make his job difficult. I said I would do my best. LOL!!!! Time will tell.
Fuck them. Drive rods into the concrete, weld frame to rods. Sit back and laugh when they come to tow it.???? Profit.
time to move !!!! my neighbor complained once because i was grinding my frame at 12 at night :P but good luck hope your smart and find a loop hole