My VHT Smoking Tails Experience

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Demon is right, I wasn't trying to make fun of you, I'm just letting you know man.

It's not you guys, you guys are actually decent, people like you and SlickSierra and DemoN contribute. Its the jackasses like 09bluefgt that think they are the shit and go here calling names and making it out to be the worst thing in the world like fucking highschoolers picking on the poor kid.

Ok we get it bluefgt, daddy bought you a nice truck, and you ruined it with the worst possible fucking wheels on the planet.

I do want your help, what I don't want is fucking trolling. Funny trolling is fine, but telling people they're dumb asses for not doing it your way just shows your a rich little douche who always got shit handed to you
and I really don't give a shit if you think those handles are ugly or not, wether you think chrome is bad, good for you, to each your own, but I like black and chrome, thats my opinion to, I dont give two shits what you think of my opinion. If I put more chrome on my truck than you would, deal wth it, it's not your truck to decide. and it aint no stick on shit either.
At least my dad can afford to buy me a truck. Not getting into this outside the lounge. Not getting banned.

just don't discuss any physical or mental short-comings....or degrade the power of the air-raid intake....and you should be fine :)
Just please leave. You clearly aren't wanted around here. Why do you stay? Also why the fuck did you put this thread in the lounge? Needs to be in exterior
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