Order an H1 kit and harness and get to work son.
Neer like what brand or anything, tis why I asked you for help lol. Always run cheap vvme crap and want something nice
Sent from Tapashit
I doubt you would sell your adaptor plates but would you let me use them to make my own and have a supply that will be in stock for all of us who want them?Neer like what brand or anything, tis why I asked you for help lol. Always run cheap vvme crap and want something nice
Sent from Tapashit
I doubt you would sell your adaptor plates but would you let me use them to make my own and have a supply that will be in stock for all of us who want them?
Ginger said he was busy, I know he will come through guys. Give him a break
i will have them ready to ship out in exactly 4 weeks.
from Christmas till now, i had my birthday, got engaged, had my now fiancees birthday, a business trip, and been trying to build my racecar before the season starts sat.
I Finally made the small change to help fit the bolt better, and sent the new drawing out.
if you PM'ed me, i will be pming you my paypal and will need your shipping info when i receive the plates in my hands.
i am having 20 sets made.
The biggest issue i ever have it actually shipping them out, UPS costs a small fortune, so i need to go to the post office, and their hours suck, start after me, end before me lol
The biggest issue i ever have it actually shipping them out, UPS costs a small fortune, so i need to go to the post office, and their hours suck, start after me, end before me lol