When you get a projector, print it out, cut it, and see if it fits around the projector. If it does could save you some time, if not all you wasted is a piece of paper.
Just out of freakishly morbid curiosity...has anyone put a morimoto mini or matchbox in place of the high beam in the Denali housings? Looks like there just might be enough room.
Also contemplating the matchbox projectors for my fogs. They would be a wonderful addition for my 3000k bulbs
Ok, here's the issue. Seems lots of guys here have these Denali lights, so maybe I'm missing something. Anyone's lights do this when you first put them in? Or do they still do it?
Compare to stock
Maybe a mod could repost this if it would get more attention elsewhere.
Well I have them installed now. HIRs in the High beams. holy shit are they awesome! Waaaay better then stock. The projectors however with a 6k bulb at 35w are crap. I'm probably going to either throw the halogen back in or throw a 55w ballast on until ginger is done with the project tors and has some plates made.
While I'm waiting for the plates and projectors, I have a question. Am I better off using a halogen bulb in the projector for now? I ask because I have a 6k on a 35w ballast and I can't see a thing. I have a pair of 55w ballast I could try to get the light whiter. Might also be mis aligned though, or a contributing factor. Ideas or suggestions?
Could be many things. Could be misaligned, could be burnt and cracked projector bowls ( pretty common ) and that will heavily affect output. One of mine had a burnt bowl and you couldnt see shit with them on.