lowered my 94 this weekend now some >????s

I just ordered 235 60 for front and 275 60 for rear. was gonna go 255 for fronts but don't want to rub. so I figure the smaller size might be better. I just hope the 275 out back wont cause a new problem for me.
well went to get tires. was gonna go with 235 60 and 275 for rear.
got to the place to have tires installed...235 looked a bit small so I went with 255.
now the rears...don't fit. so I left my monster tires on in the rear and came home and tried to roll= make some space in rear wells. hopefully tomorrow I will be able to fit new rear tires and be good to go.
good part of the day was, front tires helped with all the rubbing. I was rubbing on every little thing on the road. hopefully what I did was enuff to fit the tires tomorrow.
see what happens
wish I knew. I cut lines up toward the end of fender then hammered em back. not all the way out tho. trying to keep the chrome molding. might try and nock em back a little more before I go back and try to get wheels mounted again.
also not sure why right after dude mounted and balanced my fronts, I go to turn truck around and rip off the weights he put on the back of wheels.
need to know if I did something wrong or am using something I don't need. since drop and then fixing the front spring issue. the truck rides like dunk. any little bump I hit. it feels like I bottom out. hard!
im talking about the smallest little dip in the road. now kit I got was supposed to be 5/7
spindles,springs,flip kit,notch, and shocks all around. all belltech.
no shackle. when I did the same drop on the my c10. truck drove like a caddy. and that kit included shackles
this kit came with no shackles but they are def not stock. today I tried to move from hole to hole. wont work. not sure if po put shackles on. I did not. these have a bunch of holes. but cant fit into the second from top. think maybe they are on backwards...not sure if that's possible. but I tried today to move from top to lower one and its not gonna happen.
if I go back to stock shackles will I be stupid high in rear???
ordered them today. to see what happens. but I thought belltech was the best out there. and im not happy. ride really sucks. unless I did something wrong.
should I have used extenders for shocks without the drop shackles?
need to fix this. aint worth the drop if the ride sucks.
help me out.
don't think my issue is up front. its the rear that's hitting hard. I didn't not have shackles sent with my kit. but looks like my shackles are not stock. ? can they have been put on backwards?? today I tried to lower from the top hole to next one down. but does not look like the leaf spring pack will fit in the lower hole. if they were put on backwards would I be able to flip them around and then maybe use the next hole. what I see when the truck is parked.... looks like I have a small amout of room between the bed and the leaf spring knuckle thing. so seems I have no travel in the rear.
I ordered stock shackles today. and will pick them up tomorrow. I just don't want to put them on and end up with a stupid high rear end.
Def the rear. And I'm guessing I am bottoming out. Not sure why tho. I put same kit on my c10 and it ran like a caddy. That one had the shackles in kit. This kit did not come with shackles but shackles on truck are not oem. I'm picking up new shackles tomorrow. Just don't want to be skyjacker in rear. And wonder if I put stock shackles on should I take extenders off? I notches frame rails by notch and over pumpkin. Looking from side of truck it looks like I don't have much space when parked between bed and leaf spring ??
Could shackles have been put on backwards? Pretty sure I should have been able to use other hole today when I tried. But leaf spring would not fit lower