le derpamax


But the real question is, will you need a step ladder to get in the truck after its lifted?


But the real question is, will you need a step ladder to get in the truck after its lifted?


:tableflip: it's staying same height as it is now. maybe an inch or two taller. and it's a pain compared to when it was lowered :okay:

Sent from Canucks basement
little present came in yesterday

Sent from Canucks basement
as soon as I get my life back. working 14-16 hour days 7 days a week. barely have time to whipe my own ass :okay:

Sent from Canucks basement
IMO ging. KHAOS I think nyc. not positive exactly where but we're building an exhibit for avengers so gotta go install for 3 weeks. Marc no. waiting to put glass on fgt. already had all my dents removed on panels that are staying though

Sent from Canucks basement