Jayballz (Bohall) bag build @ The Dropzone.

Ok finally got off early for once. Couple update pics i reckon. One thing i try to do is take lots of pics where you can really see whats going on. So if they seem repetitive, suck a dick and enjoy the fact that i care about sharing. lol. on with the pics.
This was the first setup that I was gonna run. Dont ever fucking do it. It literally took me about 2 minutes and a trip down the driveway to learn that you REALLY need to run a full 8 valves. Ask Chris how it went. he saw the show.

Also, these valves didn't want to work right. So I upgraded to this

This thing is the bees knees I tell you. (this pic was before all the lines were connected)
This little red box of awesome is top fucking quality and costs more new than my entire bag setup. Luckily I got a bro homie deal for $150.
Here is a pic of the super duper custom mounting bracket I made.

The following are just several pics of the bag, upper mounts, and lower cup. I will note that if you run this setup, or even one like it, you MUST trim spring pockets and bump stop brackets etc etc. You'll clearly see everywhere that is cut.








And that's about the jist of the front. Pretty simple. Now you may or may not want to have your upper control arms flipped to take a little stress off of the upper balljoint. Especially if you run bigger wheels. This is basically the most basic of setups you can get, as well as the cheapest. So far Im good with it, personally I don't mind the camber when I lay not one single bit. It all straightens up when I lift and with my new wheels I couldn't lay without the camber anyway. The good thing about the extensive cup kit (model specific) is that its kinda hard to fuck up. I only altered a few little pieces to my liking.
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

This was the first setup that I was gonna run. Dont ever fucking do it. It literally took me about 2 minutes and a trip down the driveway to learn that you REALLY need to run a full 8 valves. Ask Chris how it went. he saw the show...

Hahahaha, true story...
Before Bohall left and hated his life for the day...Maiden voyage...
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These are a few pics of the shocks. This is a little more involved due to it being more or less universal and dependent of the shocks you run. This is tricky, because you want to try and get the shocks as close to strait up and down as possible because as the truck lowers, the angle on the shocks get worse and worse. This isn't gonna be my setup much longer due to the new wheels being 2" wider. So now I hit the shocks when I turn hard.
Here you can see where I did some fabricating a little lol. I made an extension to bring the shock out to straighten up the angle a bit.


Looks like a good bit of work there!

And shocks are overrated, all spring gives a nice bouncy ride
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

This thing done yet?

Hahaha, kinda sorta if I were answering the question. It drives when he airs it up here and can be driven wherever. Just needs to do something about rear not tucking so he can put bed back on and hook up nitrogen tank.
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

Shock problem is exactly why my shocks have eyes on both ends
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

Shock problem is exactly why my shocks have eyes on both ends

Yea that's actually what I've decided to do as well. These shocks are coming off once I buy some different ones