Jayballz (Bohall) bag build @ The Dropzone.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
So. I figured I'd make a build thread. Here it is. Your welcome.

Always support the back end when cutting a frame. Here I welded a steel bar on each side to support the frame while notching.

If recently notched, and it's welded in like mine, prepare for a headache.



And here is the beginning of the notching. Start by dropping the gas tank. And cover it with cardboard and blankets.

If you are ever doing this, be sure to lay down 1/2" welds here and there until you get it pretty much assembled. Even though its thick steel, that shit WILL warp, and you be pissed cause its hard as shit to get it back into shape. So just play it smart and don't do full welds till all outer plates are in place.



Next is raising the gas tank. This is pretty essential on nbs. Even after raising it you still need to watch where you lay as the tank will only be about 1.75" off the ground AFTER raising. Start by welding 2 support braces to the 2 crossmembers just to keep everything square.

Then chop them suckers off




Now. Take yourself a strait edge and make a line EXACTLY one inch above the bottom of the cab. Cut along that line and no higher. If you do you will regret it. I got a little wobbly myself.



Now. Take some 1"x1" square tubing and weld it directly under where the crossmember will lay.

Now. Set your crossmember back on, and tack weld the front crossmember on
Then hold the front crossmember up and weld it and inch higher than before. Weld that sucker up.

Reinstall gas tank in the new, raised position. Note: this will NOT interfere with the factory bed floor.
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

No I'm not. Couple more weeks. I only get about a day a week roughly to work in it.
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

And here is fucking Colton working on his fucking Katzkinz. That fuck

Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

Sub'd for progress :crazy:....going to drag that piece out the way tomorrow so I can put my bumpers back on. J/k.
just so you know you can make that front gas tank crossmember bolt in. drill out the 4 rivets(2 on each side) lay a piece of 1" square tubuing on top like you did put some holes in it and bolt the crossmember on top of that. basically same shit you did of course. looking good man.
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

Yea I know, I contemplated doing just that. But I was like wellfuckthat cause dem bug ass rivets are pretty serious business
Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

Yoooo, what are you gonna do with that old notch, is it still useable???, if so lemme get that

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Bohalls bag build @ The Dropzone.

It's a DJM, you don't want that.

I officially disagree. I bent my frame beating on the notch trying to get it out. I'm a believer in Djm. That's that. And no unfortunately it no longer usable because I had to end up cutting it in half to get it off.
If it's welded, you should be fine. If it's just bolted, I'd have it welded. Better to be safe than sorry :imo:
either one of 2 things happend. djm quality control went to shit because they used to be fine ive ran them before buddies have ran them before and never had any problems or 2 the few on here that had fuck ups were installer error. and if i recall they all were around the same area. so id believe installer error is definately a possibiltiy. regardless i dont think djm is as bad as ppl make it.