J.mo's super duty build thread. Full of 6.0 sickness

Finally pick this fucker up tomorrow after slow shops held me up for 6 weeks.
Will be taking her on her maiden voyage to Tahoe for a few nights. Providing I get to pick it up early enough to get the tags
I know. I'm supposed to pick this son of a bitch up today.
Finally done. I picked the slowest shops in the world to do my powder and lift install.

Going to cruise it around for the weekend. Then Monday gets color matched.
I really wish it wasn't taking this long.
I had planned for 3-4 weeks start to finish.

Figured 3 weeks should have been plenty for color matching, powder and lift.
Powder shop I used, was slow as shit. Won't use them again. And the shop doing my lift, is also taking their sweet ass time.
I've had parts piled up in my garage for 2 months.
Trust me. I am frustrated as shit. I'm out about 20 grand, and haven't even got to drive this fucker enough to put plates on it.

No this thing is not a unicorn, it's just taking about 10 times longer than it should have, for reasons that are not my own.