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Not to be an ass or a troll but these cars do fuck all for me. I wouldn't drive if it was given to me. I'd strip it down, part it out and toss drive train in a something worthy.
silly supercharger go home your drunk. turbo is where its at. get a synapse kit bro, they are in amsterdam ny area.
silly supercharger go home your drunk. turbo is where its at. get a synapse kit bro, they are in amsterdam ny area. he is making about 500whp on E85 on his built B20 motor and their kit.
I might have them tune my truck with HPT after I swap it...
silly supercharger go home your drunk. turbo is where its at. get a synapse kit bro, they are in amsterdam ny area. he is making about 500whp on E85 on his built B20 motor and their kit.
Silly Geoff, go home, you're drunk. :crazy: Never seen a blower on a 4cyl anything, but blowers period are more badass than turbos IMFOsilly supercharger go home your drunk. turbo is where its at. get a synapse kit bro, they are in amsterdam ny area. he is making about 500whp on E85 on his built B20 motor and their kit.
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