How to do high (4,6,8,10) mods

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Active member
Jun 26, 2012
Feel free to add info that i missed and i will add it in here
ground one of the yellow wires going into the green block under the fusebox

VVV the following two mods will make them come on with your parking lamps, so its more of a (#+2)hi/(#)lo
to add fogs
86 on the HL relay connect to 86 on the fog lamp relay

to add drls
87 on the HL relay connect to 87 on the fog lamp relay

diode from 85 of the hi-beam relay to 85 of the low beam relay

to add Fog Lamps
connect a second diode to 85 on the fog lamp relay
the other end connect to 85 on the hi-beam relay for it to come on with hi-beams-6hi
or connect to 85 on the low beam relay for the 6hi/4lo

to add DRLs
connect a second diode to 86 on the fog lamp relay
the other end connect to 85 on the hi-beam relay for it to come on with hi-beams-6hi
or connect to 85 on the low beam relay for the 6hi/4lo

the DRLs and fog lamps can be used together as previously directed
the white band on the diode dictates where the power is coming from and where it will not go back to thats why its on the high beam side so the low beams cant feed the high beams back on

if you want to do this under the fusebox
white plug on bottom of the fuse block
pin B9 (Black/White wire) is the connected to Pin 85 on the headlamp hi relay
pin D3 (Pink/White wire) is the connected to Pin 85 on the headlamp low relay
pin B3 (Green/White) is the connected to Pin 85 on the fog light relay

DRL E3 light green/black stripe
Park lamp D3 pink/white stripe
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