How did you find us at CustomGm?

hell, get me the money you'd spend on that and I'll drive down there for one of those meets you guys down there have. then we can talk bags and shit

Haha, sounds like Angelo and I need to start rolling change and saving.
Came over when the Chadster was still around :lol: :ehrmagerd:

Word. Only OG's remember when Chads truck was the banner for CGM and everyone thought this was Chads forum.
I joined way back in the day and the burritofgt invasion made me get active. GMFS pisses me off and is only good for trollin
Found it while searching pics of NNBS's with 3" leveling kits.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Should just make this a sticky in the intro section so more of the new guys see it instead of having to bump :imo:

sent from your HTC Rezound