Hello From Adam's Premium Car Care

holy hell! MOOKIE! this is my best friend fellas! dude can straight up school yall on awesome detail tech and his tbss "hell-s2" is a good lookin ride and can run over buzzards with the best of them lol (mook and i were road tripping from CO to SATX and he plowed into a fucking vulture sitting in the middle of the road at 70mph)

We were doing 90.

I mean uh...

This place rocks!
With that many friends that work there, you have no excuse for your paint to not be perfect.

No. you don't. my best friend and two other really good friends work at pretty much THE premier detailing supplier in the country...how bad do you think i get ragged on for my paint's finish?! :lol:

That's when you tell them the reason your paint isn't perfect if because you don't have any premier product left.. Or that they should help you do it :lol:

I keed I keed


sent from your HTC Rezound