Oktain Canuck Admin Staff member Feb 9, 2012 4,982 232 63 34 Sudbury, ON Sep 27, 2012 #21 Would need to sand smooth :imo: Why not just paint your fgty ass chrome ones? Why waste a good set of non-paint to match caps?
Would need to sand smooth :imo: Why not just paint your fgty ass chrome ones? Why waste a good set of non-paint to match caps?
Jared Administrator Feb 8, 2012 20,572 116 0 North Dallas Sep 28, 2012 #22 so what, you are going slap on painted caps to a non-capped mirror?
D Da_Rebel Just another guy Mar 8, 2012 183 1 0 Sanger, TX Oct 9, 2012 #23 Last bump before things start to go to trash! Make offers if you think it's too high.
Low2kchevy New member Jun 28, 2011 66 0 0 Oct 9, 2012 #24 Don't trash it that would be dumb considering the price of parts these days.
Jared Administrator Feb 8, 2012 20,572 116 0 North Dallas Oct 9, 2012 #25 Don't trash it, ask brandon where he sold his cats. The parts throw in a box and hold onto them.