finaly got my new truck! 2012 crew cab 6.2!

I no ive spent over 6k on all my audio stuff but that includes like wires dynamat and install also. I will look at the reciepts when i get home to see how much exactly ive spent
Ohh damn haha no it's good bro I just wanted a estimate hopefully it won't be that much for me I just want a w6 10 or 12 inch.... Looking good bro!!

I think these are next on my list depending on how much it cost to get the rearend cut
Ya that looks pretty good i wonder if thats a 10 or 12" wide wheel I jus wana go as wide as I can on a 10" but still be able to get it balanced
Love this truck, if I got a NNBS this would be my thread.. awesome job bro

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