Isn't it different for different year NNBS's?
I only looked up for 2009. I would figure they'd all be the same?
Isn't it different for different year NNBS's?
there's 2 "back up light" numbers for nnbs.
921 and 3047
3156-3157 is a replacement for 3047
the actual reverse bulb is 3156-3157. i thought it was 921 at first and didnt fit (too small). im using the 921's as cargo lights
got these on my reverse
cargo lights
Hopefully she did already, they are backordered now.
God I can't wait to get mine in, I hate rolling down my windows
damn, I don't think she did! I told her and she had that, "maybe I did, maybe I didn't" look, this azn is good! just an idiot but how tf are you fgts taking these reverse pics lol just an idiot but how tf are you fgts taking these reverse pics lol
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