Try setting the shutter speed to a slower speed, anywhere from 1-5 seconds. It'll let in more light at night if you want to just use available light. Just use a tripod or a stable surface to leave the camera.
Looks great!
Edit: also use a higher iso setting when it's darker. Sorry if you know all of this already, just thought I'd share
No I appreciate it thank you! I use a mini table that I had outside cause I was to lazy to get my tripod lol. And the ones that show all the light are just with no flash and the rest is in manual that I have been messing around with recently. But thank you for the tips. I about the things you mentioned just not what they do lol. I just mess around with the settings till I see something good
Those pictures look great! Time for a even newer sig lol!
Looks badass James, need to find me a cool spot like that to take pictures here
Best pic of the bunch. Take more like this :read:
My thought exactly
That looks more like Canada :troll:
just wanna point out, be carefull with iso, the more iso, the more grainy it will be.
truck looks better every time i see it.