Daniel's Denali

Got it yesterday, put about 60 miles on it loving it so far. Needs to be cleaned up. I'm sick as Fuck with stomach virus right now or else I would be Debadging right now. Needs leveling bad
Got it yesterday, put about 60 miles on it loving it so far. Needs to be cleaned up. I'm sick as Fuck with stomach virus right now or else I would be Debadging right now. Needs leveling bad

Debadge anyway...no excuses!
I can't wait to get it Leveled. Will look so much better. I'm having to do some work on the old truck so it may be a bit before I really get into the Denali

Ya, can't wait for the methods. Now that you won't have your nbs can I steal your valance paint scheme?
Lol I think I had it after some guy but never realized. I've seen some copies of mine though

I follow a guy on Instagram with a slammed truck like that. I just don't know how it would turn out on my silver birch truck. His was white too.
I follow a guy on Instagram with a slammed truck like that. I just don't know how it would turn out on my silver birch truck. His was white too.


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