Can I get a ballpark range price?


New member
Feb 7, 2014
I have drop shackles installed, and am looking to get drop hangers and drop shocks installed. I have called my local shop a couple times, and they tell me the same thing, let me get a price and I'll call you back. I never get an answer. Can I get a range of what it will cost? Parts and labor? Thank you.
not hard at all, 90% of the guys, well, more like 98% of the guys here that are lowered did the work themselves with the help of others.
So basically saying, if I can buy the hangers and shocks I can probably do them myself? I installed the shackles but I've never done hangers or shocks.
If you were able to sign up on this forum, you can do shocks. Shackles, if you did the hangers yourself shouldn't be a problem.

Plus you get to learn!
hangers are easy, just use correct tools. Cut an "x" into the rivets with a small cut-off wheel/die grinder. Use air chisel to chisel the head off, then air punch, BAM done, took me 15 minutes to do mine.

shocks are the easiest thing you will do
Grinding the rivets in frame is kind of cumbersome, but nothing hard.

Sounds like these shops you're asking have not done this particular modification before and will probably wing it, and in my experience when little shops do that they jack up price automatically on something they are unfamiliar with.
Try using kris with suspension source. She is a vendor here. And can give you a forum discount. I would invest in belltech street performance shocks for the rear. Tried and true by plenty of members, including myself
What about the hangers? Anything good or bad about them? Just a cheaper eBay pair. I wouldn't mind spending about 130-150 on hangers if yaw have a preferable brand.