Best electric cutout

yea, i mean iv heard that plenty. I can honestly say though my raceready does not leak. It closes firmly and stays closed. You can tell it has a nice seal.

The design with the easily replaceable top end with motor is what sold me. I mean really its the only issue people have in general with cutouts. leaks and such are caused by wear in the gearing and motor were it begins to allow the butterfly to open slightly. For 70 bucks its pretty convenient to replace the top half and be back on the road for a long time with quality cutout and no leaks. Im still disappointed my motor just fell off of mine, but louisiana roads are shit and ruined. I can put the motor back in and flip the switch itll open and close but no way to actually keep motor attached anymore so im forced to replace the top end.

(link to part im referring to)
Anyone here have a cutout routed to another muffler? Would like to try out a setup on my next truck that can be quiet for business but have a little rumble for cruising alone. Have seen it before; the main run routed to the stock setup and the cutout had a bullet and a turndown welded to it - never heard the sound comparisons though.
Anyone here have a cutout routed to another muffler? Would like to try out a setup on my next truck that can be quiet for business but have a little rumble for cruising alone. Have seen it before; the main run routed to the stock setup and the cutout had a bullet and a turndown welded to it - never heard the sound comparisons though.

I've thought about that too lol. I just think you'd have to have some way of shutting the quiet side down to get all the exhaust to flow through the louder side or vise versa

Sent from Tapashit
I've thought about that too lol. I just think you'd have to have some way of shutting the quiet side down to get all the exhaust to flow through the louder side or vise versa

Sent from Tapashit
:imo: feel like it would just get even quieter when u opened cutout especially since most Ys have the straight pipe feeding the muffler side, and the Cutout is the branched.
The dougs one looks like the best design.. I know I'm probably gonna fuck with mine a lot when I do get one, so I want it to last. I like how the race ready one has the replaceable motor though. Hmmm

Sent from Tapashit
I've had a DMH since probably about 2007. No problems, and it's on a truck that was daily driven through winters for most of those years. It does get some carbon build up that you need to scrape away from the opening about once a year.

Everyone says the DMH customer service sucks bad, but I wouldn't know since I've never had 1 issue with it to complain about to them.

Or boost it up and get yourself a Sound performance cut-out! Always thought those were kind of cool.
I've had a DMH since probably about 2007. No problems, and it's on a truck that was daily driven through winters for most of those years. It does get some carbon build up that you need to scrape away from the opening about once a year.

Everyone says the DMH customer service sucks bad, but I wouldn't know since I've never had 1 issue with it to complain about to them.

Or boost it up and get yourself a Sound performance cut-out! Always thought those were kind of cool.

It does suck. I called them 3 times, left 3 messages, and sent 2 emails trying to place an order. Never got a reply to anything. So fuck DMH lol
I've thought about that too lol. I just think you'd have to have some way of shutting the quiet side down to get all the exhaust to flow through the louder side or vise versa

Yeah the only way of doing that would be to run 2 cutouts. In an effort to keep costs down I wonder if putting the branch at a bend in the exhaust might run a bit more air through the cutout (path of least resistance) - thus getting some of the sound you want. I think that is why I would start with a bullet, you will get some air going to the stock muffler so between the two i think you could get some nice sound. I think it is something I will try out, worse case ontario I'm out $200 or I swap it all over to the Blazer.

:imo: feel like it would just get even quieter when u opened cutout especially since most Ys have the straight pipe feeding the muffler side, and the Cutout is the branched.

I dont think itd actually get quieter, likely just not change the exhaust note at all therefore youve wasted your money. That is why I think maybe putting it at a bend in the exhaust like I said above might work out. Who knows, im sure I can find someone on the internet who has done it.
It does suck. I called them 3 times, left 3 messages, and sent 2 emails trying to place an order. Never got a reply to anything. So fuck DMH lol

lol, a little bitter?
yeah, that does suck though. Sounds like they just don't want business.

Race ready. Lifetime warranty

lifetime warranty just like my autozone power steering pumps, yeah, "pumps" plural, lol. :nono:
Doug's or qtp. Like the design of Doug's rather than the butterfly, seems like it would seal better. If I ever redo will use Doug's.

I have cheap summit ones and for the price they aren't that bad but have a small exhaust leak in one